středa 2. července 2008

Google Earth Time features

Google Earth is able to display animations. It is a great feature, but can bring unwanted difficulties. At least in my case it happened.

I have had created a KMZ file containing aerial photos from our sightseeing flight. I used Geotag utility to connect snapshots to GPS position. BTW it works excellently. It generated KML file with placemarks with the right icon, position, reference to an image and with timestamps. In GE I merged the placemark list with tracklog and I saved a nice KMZ with both the track and images.

This file when displayed in GE was great. But only first 3 images were displayed. After long research I have discovered existence of time line control displayed on GE main screen. The time line appears only if the file contains some time stamps or time spans. And by default only a short time interval is displayed. Placemarks outside of this interval are not displayed when the file is opened.

Solution: remove time stamps from KML and ... everything works as supposed to.