The problem can be solved using custom CSS. In Google Docs document go to Menu -> Edit -> Edit CSS and CSS text editing window opens. Put this CSS code inside the window and the heading numbers shall appear. Hmmm ... in every web browser except MS Internet Explorer.
h1 {
counter-increment: h1cntr;
counter-reset: h2cntr;
h1:before {
content: counter(h1cntr) ". ";
h2 {
counter-increment: h2cntr;
counter-reset: h3cntr;
h2:before {
content: counter(h1cntr) "." counter(h2cntr) " ";
h3:before {
content: counter(h1cntr) "." counter(h2cntr) "." counter(h3cntr) " ";
h3 {
counter-increment: h3cntr;